Download Games & Demos Mods & Add-Ons Patches Tools Wallpapers Trainers. Units will upgrade throughout the game, based on combat success and experience. The Longest Day Colorized Download Games.Presented in its original black and white version, The Longest Day is a vivid, hour-by-hour re-creation of this historic event. The attack involved 3,000,000 men, 11,000 planes and 4,000 ships, comprising the largest armada the world has ever seen.This dialog will fuck with my head until I die.

If you're looking for a Wayne film watch True Grit. It's more of a historical account than what he's looking for I guess and it's not a John Wayne film, John just happens to be in it. You weren't supposed to identify with anyone as it's an epic film on D Day. One guy responded that there are so many stars you can't identify with any of them and therefore he didn't like the movie. We are a dying breed but I'm a real film buff who is interested in all kinds of wacky stuff like this. These days there probably isn't anyone who gives a shit or even knows this movie. It's crazy that there could be so many changes in all languages and they are not dubbed or it's not detectable. I just watched it on Netflix and he says they're coming in perfect English with no dub detectable. The same with the Germans, in the bunker when the German finally sees the ships coming he used to say zer commin and I loved that. I've never heard that again but several times the French were speaking French and in others they are speaking English but it never sounds dubbed, it's perfect. Once John Wayne had a terrible lisp and my brother heard the same thing. I have seen The Longest Day at least 15 times and each time I find several differences in the speech.