Now collect your motherlode! In fact, only with sinisite can you manufacture sinibombs to eradicate the Sinistar. All you need to do is aim at a planetoid and shoot. Williams has equipped you with the latest heuristic electret cannon technology. 2) With the eminently unstable Sinistar in their possession, the Sprogites can lay waste to any civilization in your sector. You must not let them do this for two reasons: 1) These planetoids contain the life-sustaining crystals that your civilization requires for its vital technologies. But your parametric DeepSpace scanner faithfully displays the sector of the galaxy you presently occupy (including an area fully three parsecs across, no less)! Keep the galaxy safe for all its sinizens! Fiendish Worker ships from the planet Sporg will attempt to fabricate a Sinistar from the remains of derelict planetoids in your very sector. Your intergalactic crystal-mining mission takes you to the antipodes of the known universe. He also makes references to his hunger (for the crystals possibly), showing an insatiable appetite, one that may be the cause of his desire to destroy the player.Arcade Video game published 40 years ago: Sinistar © 1982 Williams. Intelligent and capable of speech, Sinistar displays an arrogant, self-centered and demeaning persona, belittling the player and calling them coward, threatening them and screaming for them to run away. Sinistar is best described as animalistic and brutal, rushing at any opportunity to destroy the player it can get while roaring like a savage beast. In the sequel Sinistar Unleashed, each stage features a different Sinistar, all of which are powered up by the Sporg, mining ships controlled by the Distilled Evil alien race, which seeks to dominate the universe by summoning the Sinistar from the Jumpgates.

Should the player fail to destroy him, the enemy ships can use the crystals to replenish Sinistar's health. Touching him means immediate death and more taunting. The only way to destroy him (and thus clear a stage) is to use the Sinibombs on him, with thirteen required to destroy him. The enemies will use the crystals to build Sinistar, who will start to chase after the player upon obtaining twenty crystals, all while taunting them. In the game, the player's objective is to mine crystals from nearby meteorites to create Sinibombs, while fending off enemy ships who are also mining the crystals. His eyes and mouth are bright red, as his body is gray/white colored.

Sinistar appears to be an animated spacecraft, with a demonic skull face.