Determined to make a difference, Barry dedicates his life to fighting such threats, as The Flash. Furthermore, Barry learns that he is but one of many affected by that event, most of whom are using their powers for evil. Coming out of coma nine months later, Barry and his new friends at S.T.A.R labs find that he now has the ability to move at superhuman speed.

All that changes when a massive particle accelerator accident leads to Barry being struck by lightning in his lab. HDHun4u is popular torrent website where you can Watch BollyWood & HollyWood Dubbed Movies, TV Series in Hindi Dubbed, Dual Audio All Movies, Adult 18+ Flim, TV Show, South Movies In Hindi + English Subtitles HEVC x264 300mb Genres: BollyWood, HollyWood, Dual Audio, South Movies, Free Download. Movie - The Flash S01 All Epidodes Bluray Dual Audio Hindi 720p 480p Full Show Category - The Flash S01 All Episodes In Dual Audio Hindi English Genre - Action, Adventure, Drama Duration - 45min Stars - Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker Release Date - 2015 Language/Audio - Dual Audio Hindi + English Description - Barry Allen is a Central City police forensic scientist with a reasonably happy life, despite the childhood trauma of a mysterious red and yellow lightning killing his mother and framing his father.